Withdrawn dreamers are artists—quiet, introverted, and introspective. They enjoy spending lots of time by themselves and feel uncomfortable in large groups. Examples of Biblical withdrawn dreamers are: King David, Luke, Thomas, the disciple of Jesus and the Apostle John.
Withdrawn Dreamer Strengths:
- They don’t overtly seek attention and don’t wish to assert themselves much.
- They feel uncomfortable taking charge or in competition, so they love to serve.
- Instead, they feel excited by their own imagination and creativity.
- They have a sense of being different from others and not being part of their environment.
Withdrawn Dreamer Constraints:
- Under stress, they can withdraw from the world and into their inner space and imagination. This can keep them isolated and need to be pulled out.
- They contemplate and refine their ideas by themselves.
- They will not present their ideas or assert themselves until they are very confident in their position. They tend to be perfectionists
- These people move away from others (withdraw) to get their needs met.