Satisfied Living Pathway

With the Satisfied Living Pathway, you’ll gain a greater understanding of the deepest craving of your heart and learn how to practically meet those needs in a healthy way. Enjoy this pathway as a daily or weekly experience, complete with videos, personal guided emails, study guides, community support and more.

Satisfied Living Pathway

With the Satisfied Living Pathway, you’ll gain a greater understanding of the deepest craving of your heart and learn how to practically meet those needs in a healthy way. Enjoy this pathway as a daily or weekly experience, complete with videos, personal guided emails, study guides, community support and more.

Start With Soul Food

Week 1: Hunger to be Loved

Each of us were born with specific needs that must be met in order to keep us alive. When these needs are met, we can live full and wholehearted lives. If we neglect them we will live altered lives. Lives merely focused on survival…waking up each morning to cope, maintain, or just exist.

Week 3: Hunger to Become 

You are love, and your primary need is to be loved. Your value never changes, but your effectiveness does. Once you eat at the table of value, you begin to become more effective. Our God identity begins to emerge.

Week 2: Hunger to Belong 

From the moment we are born, we are asking the questions ‘Who am I? Where do I belong and who do I belong to?’ Our hunger to belong and our sense of belonging are critical to our soul. In week two we explore this desire and God’s remedy.

Week 4: Hunger to Bless

After we become, we have a deep hunger to bless. When we hang out with a miracle working God, we start to see those who need a miracle and we find we have a deep hunger to reach others. We reach a place where we are so full, we can’t help but be compelled to give out of the overflow.

Week 1: Hunger to be Loved

Each of us were born with specific needs that must be met in order to keep us alive. When these needs are met, we can live full and wholehearted lives. If we neglect them we will live altered lives. Lives merely focused on survival…waking up each morning to cope, maintain, or just exist.

Week 2: Hunger to Belong 

From the moment we are born, we are asking the questions ‘Who am I? Where do I belong and who do I belong to?’ Our hunger to belong and our sense of belonging are critical to our soul. In week two we explore this desire and God’s remedy.

Week 3: Hunger to Become 

You are love, and your primary need is to be loved. Your value never changes, but your effectiveness does. Once you eat at the table of value, you begin to become more effective. Our God identity begins to emerge.

Week 4: Hunger to Bless 

After we become, we have a deep hunger to bless. When we hang out with a miracle working God, we start to see those who need a miracle and we find we have a deep hunger to reach others. We reach a place where we are so full, we can’t help but be compelled to give out of the overflow
Your pathway to a satisfied life
Apples & Trees

Milk & Honey

Satisfied Living!


Bread & Wine

Fish & Loaves

Your pathway to a vibrant life

Apples & Trees

Bread & Wine

Milk & Honey

Fish & Loaves

Satisfied Living!

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We believe that transformation is possible, powerful and continual! With our master pathway you’ll get access to all of our customized roadmaps to guide you along the way in your specific spiritual journey. You’ll grow intentionally and specifically based on where you’re at right now and in the future. The new Truth to Table experience will feature these customized, personal pathways, brand new weekly classes and so much more.

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