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Reclaim Your Purpose

Discover the roadmap to fulfilling your call and the one thing that will keep you from your destiny

Are you tired of living a life that feels purposeless at the end of your day? Or terrified that you’ll never have the courage to do what sets your heart on fire? 

Life is too short and your calling is too great to spend one more day living a life you’ll regret.


THURSDAY, 9/23 at 10:00AM PST

THURSDAY, 9/23 at 5:00PM PST


What You'll Learn

“Just you being born is evidence that you possess something this generation needs.” It’s time to take your life and your call seriously. In this free, LIVE Masterclass, you’ll learn how vital it is for you to not only have a vision for your life but a plan of action on how to get there. You’ll discover which of the four unique dreamer personalities you are, why it’s affecting your life today, and how you can use it to bring momentum to your life. Stick around until the end because I’ll be answering your questions in real-time!

You’ll Walk Away Feeling…

  • FREEDOM to go after your God dream knowing it’s intrinsically intertwined with your destiny
  • CLARITY on which direction you need to go next depending on what dreamer personality you have
  • CONFIDENT knowing how to defeat the roadblocks that continually keep you in cycles of fear, doubt, and hesitancy

Register here to guarantee a spot for this training!


About Havilah

When I’m not wrangling up my four boys to get in the car or figuring out where my bear-sized Goldendoodle just ran off to, you can find me uncomplicating biblical truth and activating the Spirit-led female around the world, and well, right here across the screen from you.

I’m a Bible teacher, author, educator, and itinerant speaker at Bethel Church, but my favorite title I’ve ever been given is my kid’s mom. My husband, Ben, and I lead a nonprofit in Redding, California called Truth to Table. We’re obsessed with teaching the world through Bible studies, messages, and lifestyle leadership tools. If you’re ever in town and hear someone screaming the names Judah, Hudson, Grayson, Beckham, or Barkley - don’t worry, it’s just me, the boys, and the dog. Come say hi!