Artboard 21

Today's Video

Day 20: Reflection Day

We are concluding our Leap Into Love Study! Don’t skip today! Take a minute to reflect and think about all that God has spoken to you this week.

Here are a couple of ideas you can think about:
How are you growing home-grown happiness?
What are you implementing to transform your thought life?
Have you looked at your fact- and truth-narrative?
What are your core values that are non-negotiable?
How can you activate becoming an agent of change?
Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you, and you won’t miss a thing! Spend some time to read, get in your Bible, reflect and write it out.

Are you done? Then throw yourself a party, you did it! Get your favorite coffee or have a dance party in your kitchen but celebrate this journey. I am so proud of you for being faithful to this commitment!

It’s been an incredible 20-days. Thank you so much for joining in, I hope this leads to a life-long pursuit of Christ.

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