Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus diam mi, mattis nec placerat ut, commodo id ligula. In tempus diam diam, sed porta arcu viverra mollis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut gravida tempor mi. Phasellus ut diam at augue suscipit efficitur sed sed tellus. Donec at purus finibus, pellentesque tellus eget, dignissim metus. Fusce efficitur laoreet ipsum ut tristique. Aenean nec suscipit diam, vel consectetur massa. Phasellus in enim quam. Vestibulum sed pellentesque justo. Curabitur suscipit consectetur urna, vitae molestie ex finibus eget. Integer ut est quis ipsum scelerisque aliquam id nec sapien.
An always expanding library of videos including Bible studies, courses, video series on leadership, practical life lessons & more…
You can begin wherever you find yourself to discover and grow a vibrant relationship with God.
“We need to spend less time wondering why God put us where He did, and spend more time believing we have all we need to thrive.”
I feel LOVE when you expound on a passage of scripture by sharing your thoughts from the Greek or Hebrew meaning of a word. I feel like I’m mining treasures right alongside you! Specifically, “I Do Hard Things” & “The Good Stuff” have been so needed in this season of growth for me. Your teachings have brought language to what my heart was experiencing. Thank you!!
I’m a mom to 3 girls 4 and under and so appreciate the convenience and heartiness of these studies. They have come along at a season in my life where my family is dealing with major transitions. These studies have helped reignite my spark to keep pressing towards our goals and to not give up. Thank you so much for helping me reconnect with God and His Word!
Wow, where to begin? These studies on Truth To Table have convicted, challenged, and encouraged me! I’ve been a follower of Christ over half of my life, and a couple of things I learned were new to me, so that feels refreshing! I love how these Bible studies are both revelatory and practical for me, which makes a powerful combination. Thank you so much for offering them for moms and women like me!