Permission to Dream Pathway

With this Permission to Dream Pathway, you’ll Discover how to dream and overcome feelings of lack and negativity because of life setbacks. Enjoy this pathway as a daily or weekly experience, complete with videos, personal guided emails, study guides, community support and more.

Permission to Dream Pathway

With this Permission to Dream Pathway, you’ll Discover how to dream and overcome feelings of lack and negativity because of life setbacks. Enjoy this pathway as a daily or weekly experience, complete with videos, personal guided emails, study guides, community support and more.

Start With I Do Hard Things


Week 1: Understanding Pain

Pain has a voice. It says, “Do whatever it takes to get me out of this right now!” It cries to make it stop! All of us choose different ways to respond to this thing called “pain” but what joins us universally is the reality that we are all trying to get as far away from PAIN as possible. Hard things happen to each of us, but it takes great understanding of how and when we actually began to experience pain and, ultimately, how to release it from our lives.


Week 3: Understanding Boundaries

Part of having godly boundaries is understanding that we were not created to do all things, and all things are not helpful for us. There are lots of things that we can all do according to the Bible, but they’re not always helpful for us. Part of being a spiritual grownup is understanding what is not only permissible for us, but also what is actually helpful.


Week 2: Success vs Failure

Part of Successfully climbing out of our pit is understanding that there is so much more waiting for us on the other side! There are many more mountains to climb, and deeper personal encounters in order to meet the love of God that waits to envelop us as we walk into eternity. It’s going to be worth it.


Week 4: Reaping Success

Maturity is looking at our lives as a whole picture, not just in partial moments. When we understand that the seeds we sow will be reaped, we are usually more cautious and intentional to sow the right seeds. The law of sowing and reaping helps us understand how God thinks and it teaches us to be diligent with the things we’ve been given.


Week 1: Understanding Pain

Pain has a voice. It says, “Do whatever it takes to get me out of this right now!” It cries to make it stop! All of us choose different ways to respond to this thing called “pain” but what joins us universally is the reality that we are all trying to get as far away from PAIN as possible. Hard things happen to each of us, but it takes great understanding of how and when we actually began to experience pain and, ultimately, how to release it from our lives.

Week 2: Success vs Failure 

Part of successfully climbing out of our pit is understanding that there is so much more waiting for us on the other side! There are many more mountains to climb, and deeper personal encounters in order to meet the love of God that waits to envelop us as we walk into eternity. It’s going to be worth it.

Week 3: Understanding Boundaries 

Part of having godly boundaries is understanding that we were not created to do all things, and all things are not helpful for us. There are lots of things that we can all do according to the Bible, but they’re not always helpful for us. Part of being a spiritual grownup is understanding what is not only permissible for us, but also what is actually helpful.

Week 4: Reaping Success 

Maturity is looking at our lives as a whole picture, not just in partial moments. When we understand that the seeds we sow will be reaped, we are usually more cautious and intentional to sow the right seeds. The law of sowing and reaping helps us understand how God thinks and it teaches us to be diligent with the things we’ve been given.
Your pathway to dreaming again
Our Pain

Our Boundaries

Permission to dream!

Powerless to pain

Our Weapons

Our Success

Your pathway to a vibrant life
Powerless to pain

Our Pain

Our Weapons

Our Boundaries

Our Success

Permission to dream!

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