Finishing Strong Pathway

With this Finishing Strong Pathway, you’ll gain insight and awareness for your daily battles and learn tools to overcome quickly, building spiritual confidence.

Finishing Strong Pathway

With this Finishing Strong Pathway, you’ll gain insight and awareness for your daily battles and learn tools to overcome quickly, building spiritual confidence.

The Good Stuff

When you taste the good stuff, you just know it. The Word of God, when used correctly and applied humbly, will taste sweeter than the sweetest thing you’ve ever tasted. It will leave you fuller than you’ve ever felt. The richness and quality will find no equal in your life. So, let’s feast on the goodness of God and the Word He has given us. He has truly brought us to a banqueting table!


+ 20 Video Lessons

The Good Stuff E-Book

WEEK 1: Engage Your Will

Our will is something God gave to us from the beginning of time to help us. When submitted and yielded in the way it was designed, our will can catapult us into the will of God faster than anything else. It’s the place of determination and sheer will power that will have you holding out for the promises of God.

WEEK 3: Engage Your Words

The Power of agreement is another way we get to partner with God to bring about transformation. The defining moment comes when our hearts begin to agree with what we believe and we declare it. Confession and belief is in our DNA. It’s a powerful weapon and the key to either our spiritual redemption or spiritual death.

WEEK 2: Engage the Mind

Our mind is the prime real estate in our lives; the place where all of our battles are won or lost. Eventually, what we’ve been thinking about leads to actions and solidifies our lifestyle. Our minds are so powerful that when we lose them, we lose everything. If we have a renewed and edified mind, we live a peace-filled and God intended life.

WEEK 4: Engage Your Enemy

We can engage the enemy by learning to understanding how he works  in our lives and the power that we posses over him. Ignoring or pretending that the enemy doesn’t exist won’t last long. We must be equipped with practical tools to live out victory over the enemy of our souls.

WEEK 1: Engage Your Will

Our will is something God gave to us from the beginning of time to help us. When submitted and yielded in the way it was designed, our will can catapult us into the will of God faster than anything else. It’s the place of determination and sheer willpower that will have you holding out for the promises of God.

WEEK 2: Engage The Mind

Our mind is the prime real estate in our lives; the place where all of our battles are won or lost. Eventually, what we’ve been thinking about leads to actions and solidifies our lifestyle. Our minds are so powerful that when we lose them, we lose everything. If we have a renewed and edified mind, we live a peace-filled and God intended life.

WEEK 3: Engage Your Words

The Power of agreement is another way we get to partner with God to bring about transformation. The defining moment comes when our hearts begin to agree with what we believe and we declare it. Confession and belief is in our DNA. It’s a powerful weapon and the key to either our spiritual redemption or spiritual death.

WEEK 4: Engage Your Enemy

We can engage the enemy by learning to understanding how he works in our lives and the power that we posses over him. Ignoring or pretending that the enemy doesn’t exist won’t last long. We must be equipped with practical tools to live out victory over the enemy of our souls.
Your pathway to finishing strong
Our Will

Our Words

Finishing Strong!

Following Jesus

Our Mind

Our Enemy

Your pathway to finishing strong
Following Jesus

Our Will

Our Mind

Our Words

Our Enemy

Finishing Strong!


individual course

+ 20 Days of Video Lessons

+ The Good Stuff Ebook

+ Access to Community Discussions