Truth to Table 7 Day Free Plan


The Importance of Purpose
Shape 11

Your purpose is unique to you and is the force that causes you to go past obstacles. It says, I’m not giving up or running out. God is in the middle of this! When you discover how God created you and learn to celebrate your own ability to see life uniquely, you’ll take hold of the driving force that empowers you past the obstacles in life!

Truth to Table 7 Day Free Plan


The Importance of Purpose

Your purpose is unique to you and is the force that causes you to go past obstacles. It says, I’m not giving up or running out. God is in the middle of this! When you discover how God created you and learn to celebrate your own ability to see life uniquely, you’ll take hold of the driving force that empowers you past the obstacles in life!


CAN YOU BELIEVE TOMORROW IS OUR LAST TOGETHER?! SO. BITTERSWEET. You’re going to LOVE our final lesson, it’s all about taking on one of the enemies greatest lies head on! Just you wait! See ya then!