



 Join me, my friend Jenna Zint, and thousands of other women who want to shift their seasons well by strategically adjusting your habits. 

Thursday, September 14th
10:30am PST and 5:30pm PST



doesn't happen by changing your whole life overnight,

…..but it does as we take new steps every season to who were called to be.


You need a personalized plan with small, easy-to-implement changes that eventually add up to the life you always envisioned for yourself.

My friend and Habit Coach, Jenna Zint, has cracked the code for us in seeing lasting life transformation in the areas of relationships, finances, physical and emotional health (and more!). She knows exactly what it takes because the first life she changed was her own.

If you want to learn practical, scientific tools for getting unstuck, living more peacefully, and having more than enough energy for what matters most to you, join the free class.

In this class, you will ...

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    Take time to sit down & dial in your vision for your Fall

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    Strategically look at the habits you want to re-engage after this summer

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    Plan out your timeline for rolling out this structure 

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    Build a new habit for this new season 

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    Learn to live with intentionality every season



In my late twenties, I stepped into a counselor's office because I knew something had to change. I had always felt like a confident, capable person but since giving birth to my second son, life felt too big for me. I meant to be there for 6 months, but ended up spending the next 2 years learning how to live a powerful life instead of being ruled by my circumstances.

Since then, I have been obsessed with giving women tools to pursue real life transformation and become all God's called them to be. My husband Ben and I started Truth to Table to equip women with Biblical truth and give them a roadmap to living a powerful life.


For years I lived in chaos. I over-scheduled my life and constantly felt anxious, overwhelmed and like I was disappointing everybody. I avoided structure at all costs because I thought it was in opposition of connection and relationships. But when everything came crashing down, I went on a journey of change. I got connected with my emotions and realized they were undermining my best intentions.

In building habits and structure in my life, I realized finding the right amount of structure facilitates connection rather than hindering it. Now my habits support my relationships. I didn't give up on spontaneity and fun, and get to give my best energy to what I actually value.